Saturday, July 08, 2006

Recovery; Religion and Politics

Slept ok, still not much pain. Changed the dressing this morning and was surprised to see how swollen and purple the knee is. I have 5 small incisions. I've begun straightening and bending exercises and there is some soreness associated with that. Getting a little tired of sitting/laying with my leg up, but it could be worse...

Gerald Britt wrote an excellent editorial in the Morning News this morning on politics and religion - here are a couple of excerpts...

Participation in our electoral process is a great privilege and responsibility for all citizens, including people of faith. Increasingly, however, politicians are intruding upon our houses of worship to appeal for our votes.
When they do so, they demonstrate that people of faith are little more than a bullet point in their partisan campaign strategy....

We do not intend houses of worship to be "politics-free" zones. Clergy cannot be silent in political debates. Indeed, we have a responsibility to speak out about moral issues and should encourage the faithful to join in the great public debates of our day.
We also aren't asking politicians to deny the role their own faith plays in guiding their work.
But we must not blur the line between faith and partisan politics. Our houses of worship cannot be used as campaign props, nor our congregations deemed a "political base." We cannot allow those who disagree to be stigmatized. Religion should not be used to divide communities to win votes....

We should provide a perspective as free as possible from partisan ideology. We must not allow our churches to be tools of any political party. But we must see to it that our congregants are active citizens informed by a faith that has spiritual, cultural and, yes, political integrity and viability....
We do that when we recognize that there is no such thing as a Democratic or Republican theology.
There is, however, a justice that we are called to seek that is nonpartisan and a God who is free of our political entanglements.

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