Monday, April 03, 2006

The DaVinci Code

One of the things I didn't get around to during Spring Break was reading the DaVinci Code. I finally got tired of waiting on the paperback and bought a used copy at HalfPrice Books, and read it this past week. I enjoy the genre and had intended to read it when it first came out, and then with all the attention it has garnered over the past couple of years it made it to my must read list, but I did not get around to it until now when the movie is due to open in a few weeks.

For what it's worth, I thought it was a pretty good read. Dan Brown is not in Robert Ludlum's class, but he wove a pretty good story here. There is enough suspense to keep your attention and enough historical accuracy to make the story credible. I can see now why the book has generated controversy and numerous responses seeking to refute the premises of the book.

One should keep in mind that the book is fiction. The author uses elements of truth and weaves a story that appears credible, but is fictitious. One example is the explanation of the development of the canon of the new testament. There are elements of truth in the author's story of how the canon came about, but the story as a whole is a fictional account supporting the theme of the novel.

I was struck by a couple of thoughts as I read this book. One is that many readers will likely take at face value that all the historical details and descriptions are true. As we are examining what it means to be missional in today's culture and in our community, we need to recognize that many of the people we encounter will have a distorted view of the Bible, of the church, and of Jesus. We cannot assume that people have a Christian world view, and that will impact how we try to reach them.

A second thought is that Satan often works in a similar fashion - he uses elements of truth to deceive. That is something to be on guard against.

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