Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More Labor Day Musings...

Spent some time reading more of The World is Flat. Friedman describes three causes contributing to what he describes as a coming crisis in American science and engineering research and development as it relates to the rest of the world. He describes a numbers gap, an ambition gap, and an education gap. He made 2 specific statements that caught my attention...

In illustrating the ambition gap, he talked about how Bill Gates draws crowds of young people on any occasion he speaks in China. He describes it like this. "In China today, Bill Gates is Brittany Spears. In America today, Brittany Spears is Brittany Spears - and that is our problem."

The second statement is related to the competition for top educational opportunities in China, where the population is roughly 1.3 billion people. He says they have a saying - "In China when you are one in a million, there are 1300 other people just like you."

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